Teachers have the flexibility to monitor individual student skill scores in MobyMax at any time, which helps them closely track each student's progress. Additionally, MobyMax provides a convenient feature that allows teachers to view the performance of all students on a specific skill. This saves time and enables teachers to quickly review skill scores in one centralized location.

To view skill scores for your entire class:
  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Click on the "Curriculum" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click the subject button (i.e. Math, Language, etc...).
  4. Click on the "Scores" tab at the top of the page.
  5. Select the "Practice Skills" link on the left sidebar.
  6. Click on the "Score Grid" link under the page header.
  7. Use the drop-down menu for "Graphic View" located on the right side of the screen and select the "Numeric view" option.
  8. Click on a skill name that populates atop the Score Grid chart.

Teachers have the flexibility to monitor individual student skill scores in MobyMax at any time, which helps them closely track each student's progress. Additionally, MobyMax provides a convenient feature that allows teachers to view the performance of all students on a specific skill. This saves time and enables teachers to quickly review skill scores in one centralized location.

To view skill scores for your entire class:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Select the subject area link on the left sidebar under the "Subjects" header. 
  3. Click the subject area button (i.e. Mathematics, Language, etc...). 
  4. Select the "Lessons" tab at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the "Class View” sub-tab.
    • You can use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page to select the "Teacher Assigned" option to view only the skills that you have assigned.
    • You can use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page to select the "Automatically Assigned" option to view only skills that Moby has automatically assigned to students.
  6. Click on the name of the lesson to view individual skill scores.

Note: Student skill scores will only be displayed for students who have completed the skill. For students who are working on the skill, an "In Progress" message will be displayed.