As a teacher, it can be challenging to keep up with the progress of all your students in different subject areas. MobyMax has a feature that can make this task a lot easier. With the ability to preview the upcoming automatically assigned skills for a student, teachers can stay up-to-date with their student's progress and plan their lessons accordingly. Teachers can have a clear understanding of the specific skills that their students will be practicing, and they can prepare themselves with the necessary resources and materials to support their learning.

To preview upcoming automatically assigned skills for a student:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Select the “Curriculum” tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click the subject button (i.e. Mathematics, Language, etc...).
  4. Select the "Snapshot" link on the left sidebar.
  5. Click "In Progress and Upcoming" in blue.
  6. Click on the list icon in the "Auto-Assigned Skills" column for the student whose upcoming skills you'd like to preview.

You can select any skill by placing a checkmark next to it in this menu, and then select the "Exclude Skills For This Student" button to remove the selected skills from the student's sequence.

As a teacher, it can be challenging to keep up with the progress of all your students in different subject areas. MobyMax has a feature that can make this task a lot easier. With the ability to preview the upcoming automatically assigned skills for a student, teachers can stay up-to-date with their student's progress and plan their lessons accordingly. Teachers can have a clear understanding of the specific skills that their students will be practicing, and they can prepare themselves with the necessary resources and materials to support their learning.

To preview upcoming automatically assigned skills for a student:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Select the subject area link on the left sidebar under the "Subjects" header.
  3. Click the subject area button (i.e. Mathematics, Language, etc...).
  4. Select the "Lessons" tab at the top of the page. 
  5. Click on the “Assignments” sub-tab.
  6. Select the "Students" sub-tab.
  7. Click on the name of a student.
  8. Select the "Upcoming Auto-Assigned Skills" tab.

It is important to note that on the "Upcoming Auto-Assigned Skills" page, you can click on the individual skills listed to preview the specific problems within them. Additionally, if you need to remove a skill from a student's sequence, you can simply click the trashcan icon located next to the skill.