MobyMax assigns points based on accuracy and corrections, allowing students to earn partial credit when reviewing their mistakes.
Point System:
✔ 1 point for each correct answer.
✔ ¼ point for each correct answer on the second attempt.
✔ 0 points if a student answers incorrectly twice.
Example Calculation:
- A student attempts 5 questions.
- They answer 3 correctly (3 points).
- They answer 2 questions on the second attempt correctly (¼ point each, totaling 0.5 points).
- Final score = 3.5/5 (70%).
Automatic Skill Reassignment & Customizable Passing Scores
- In many subjects, MobyMax automatically reassigns skill versions for students who do not pass on their first attempt.
- Teachers can adjust the passing percentage for skills to meet individual or class-wide needs.
Check out our Teacher Tips for helpful guidance on customizing student learning and exploring key MobyMax features.