In MobyMax, learning velocity refers to the rate of a student's learning measured in grade levels per school year. It is calculated by analyzing the amount of time the student spends on MobyMax and comparing it to their actual grade level increase. This data is then extrapolated to estimate the student's progress for an entire school year.

It's important to note that learning velocity is not the same as actual progress made by a student. Rather, it allows for a comparison of the rate of learning between different students who may have spent varying amounts of time on MobyMax. For instance, a student who spent only one hour a week for four weeks may have a different amount of actual progress made compared to a student who spent five hours a week for twenty weeks. However, both students may be learning at a similar speed as reflected in their learning velocity.

Learning velocity is a metric that can help you distinguish between the impact of time spent on a student's progress versus their rate of learning. For instance, two students who have spent different amounts of time using MobyMax may have different levels of actual progress made, but if they have a similar learning velocity, they are likely learning at the same speed. By tracking learning velocity, you can gain insights into whether a student's progress is a result of the time invested or their innate ability to learn.

Note: Learning velocity tends to be higher for students who are just starting to use MobyMax and focusing on lessons that cover missing skills. When students work on new material, their learning velocity may be slower compared to when they are reviewing and reinforcing previously learned skills.