Maintaining teacher accounts in MobyMax has never been easier! As an administrator, you will have access to delete or restore teacher accounts. If you need to remove teachers no longer in your schools or restore a teacher who is returning, these tasks can be completed in just a few clicks. 

Administrators can quickly and easily delete or restore accounts, ensuring that teacher data remains secure and accessible when it is needed most.

School administrators can delete teachers registered at their school by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax school administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers" link under the "Admin Tools" header. 
    • Note: You may first need to select the arrow to the right of the "MobyMax Central for Teachers" link at the top of the page and select the "School Admins" option.
  3. Click the trash can icon next to the teacher’s name.
  4. Select “OK.”

The teacher's account will now be deleted and no longer be accessible.

School administrators can restore deleted teacher accounts at their school by: 

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax school administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers" link under the "Admin Tools" header. 
    • Note: You may first need to select the arrow to the right of the "MobyMax Central for Teachers" link at the top of the page and select the "School Admins" option.
  3. Click the "Restore Deleted Teachers" link at the top of the page. 
  4. Check the boxes next to the teachers you wish to restore. 
  5. Select "Restore."

The teacher account will now be restored and can immediately be accessed.

District administrators can delete teachers registered in their district by:
  1. Sign in to your MobyMax district administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers Roster" link on the left navigation menu.
  3. Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the teacher(s) you want to delete.
  4. Click the "Delete" button.

The teacher's account will now be deleted and no longer be accessible.

District administrators can restore deleted teacher accounts in their district by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax district administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers Roster" link on the left navigation menu.
  3. Click on the "Manage Rosters" link at the top of the page.
  4. Select the "Restore deleted teachers" link.
  5. Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the teacher(s) you want to restore.
  6. Click "Restore."

The teacher's account will now be restored and can immediately be accessed.

Maintaining teacher accounts in MobyMax has never been easier! As an administrator, you will have access to delete or restore teacher accounts. If you need to remove teachers no longer in your schools or restore a teacher who is returning, these tasks can be completed in just a few clicks. 

Administrators can quickly and easily delete or restore accounts, ensuring that teacher data remains secure and accessible when it is needed most.

School administrators can delete teachers registered at their school by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax school administrator account.
  2. Select the "School Admin" link on the left sidebar under "Quick Access."
  3. Select the "Teachers" button.
  4. Click the trash can icon next to the teacher’s name.
  5. Select “OK.”

The teacher's account will now be deleted and no longer be accessible.

School administrators can restore deleted teacher accounts at their school by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax school administrator account.
  2. Select the "School Admin" link on the left sidebar under "Quick Access."
  3. Select the "Teachers" button.
  4. Click the "Restore Deleted Teachers" link at the top of the page.
  5. Check the boxes next to the teachers you wish to restore. 
  6. Click "Restore."

The teacher's account will now be restored and can immediately be accessed.

District administrators can delete teachers registered in their district by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax district administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers" button.
  3. Click the trash can icon next to the teacher’s name.
  4. Select “OK.”

The teacher's account will now be deleted and no longer be accessible.

District administrators can restore deleted teacher accounts in their district by:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax district administrator account.
  2. Select the "Teachers" button.
  3. Click the "Restore Deleted Teachers" link at the top of the page. 
  4. Check the boxes next to the teachers you wish to restore. 
  5. Click "Restore."

The teacher's account will now be restored and can immediately be accessed.