By subscribing to MobyMax, you will have access to an extensive range of subject modules and features that comprise hundreds of skills and activities designed to help students of all ages and skill levels attain their full potential. Our advanced adaptive learning technology personalizes instruction for each student, enabling them to learn at their own pace and in their own preferred style. With real-time data and analytics, teachers can monitor student progress and tailor their teaching approaches accordingly.

Whether your goal is to support students struggling with reading or challenge those who excel in math, Moby provides the necessary tools and resources to achieve success. Furthermore, with flexible pricing options to fit any budget, initiating a Moby Subscription has never been more straightforward or cost-effective.

To start a Moby Subscription:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Select the "Tools" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click the "Moby Subscription" button.
  4. Select "Order Now" from the box "Your own personal Moby subscription".
  5. Click "Next."
  6. Select the radio button next to your desired classroom size.
  7. Click the radio button next to the subject area(s) and click "Next."
  8. Enter your payment information and review/accept the terms, then click "Next." 
  9. Review your order details and click "Place Order."

By subscribing to MobyMax, you will have access to an extensive range of subject modules and features that comprise hundreds of skills and activities designed to help students of all ages and skill levels attain their full potential. Our advanced adaptive learning technology personalizes instruction for each student, enabling them to learn at their own pace and in their own preferred style. With real-time data and analytics, teachers can monitor student progress and tailor their teaching approaches accordingly.

Whether your goal is to support students struggling with reading or challenge those who excel in math, Moby provides the necessary tools and resources to achieve success. Furthermore, with flexible pricing options to fit any budget, initiating a Moby Subscription has never been more straightforward or cost-effective.

To start a Moby Subscription:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Click the "Moby Subscription" link from the left sidebar.
  3. Select "Order Now" from the box "Your own personal Moby subscription".
  4. Click "Next."
  5. Select the radio button next to your desired classroom size.
  6. Click the radio button next to the subject area(s) and click "Next."
  7. Enter your payment information and review/accept the terms, then click "Next."
  8. Review your order details and click "Place Order."