New MobyMax makes it easy for teachers and admins to access frequently visited pages or reports with a simple click through the use of Bookmarks. Anytime you see the bookmark icon above, you can save that specific page as a Bookmark to access from almost anywhere in Moby with one click.

To create a Bookmark:

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
  2. Navigate to the page in MobyMax that you want to save as a bookmark.
  3. Click the Bookmark icon in the upper right-hand corner, then click the plus "+" sign to add a new bookmark.
  4. Edit the Bookmark name (optional).
  5. Click "Add."

To access Bookmarked pages, click the Bookmark icon, then click the name of the bookmarked page. To edit your list of Bookmarks, click the pencil icon.