MobyMax stores historical data on student accounts, including Reading Skills progress, even after our yearly archive on August 1st. This data follows the student account and is accessible to teachers who have the student listed in their roster. Teachers can easily access archived data from prior school years with just a few simple steps.
To view prior year data in Reading Skills for your students:
- Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
- Select the "Curriculum" tab at the top of the page.
- Click on the "Reading Skills Literature" or "Reading Skills Informational" button.
- Select the "Scores" tab at the top of the page.
- Click on the "Progress Monitoring" link on the left sidebar under the "Reports" header.
- Select the name of a student.
- Click on the calendar icon to select a date range, or set specific dates from the prior school year.
- Select the "Apply" button.
The prior school year progress data should now be populated for the selected student.

MobyMax stores historical data on student accounts, including Reading Skills progress, even after our yearly archive on August 1st. This data follows the student account and is accessible to teachers who have the student listed in their roster. Teachers can easily access archived data from prior school years with just a few simple steps.
To view prior year data in Reading Skills for your students:
- Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.
- Select the "ELA" link in the left sidebar under the "Subjects" header.
- Click on the "Reading Skills Literature" or "Reading Skills Informational" button.
- Select the "Progress" tab at the top of the page.
- Click on the name of a student.
- Select the "History" sub-tab.
- Use the drop-down menu to select a prior school year.
The prior school year progress data should now be populated for the selected student.