Every year on August 1st, MobyMax conducts an annual data archive that marks the transition from the current academic year to the new school year. In order to ensure that teachers can access the latest information on Student Dashboards, assignment scores, time spent reports, and other important usage and progress data, MobyMax offers a range of comprehensive reports that can be printed prior to the archive. However, even after the archive, teachers can still retrieve and review archived data from the previous year.

We have put together an excellent list of reports and menus that teachers can print before the archive. This is particularly useful if teachers want to have access to this information before student data is transitioned to reporting for the prior school year and is no longer current. The list below provides guidance on which reports to print and will assist teachers in obtaining the necessary data:

  • Student Dashboard and Progress Monitoring Reports - Detailed reports about students' progress by standard in subjects and Student Dashboards also provide a quick summary of overall usage and progress.
  • Custom Reports -  Detailed reports on student usage, subject progress, standards proficiency, and test information.
  • Completed Skills - Individual and class reports detailing what skills students have completed in a subject.
  • Charts and Graphs - Reports for visualizing and analyzing student data.
  • Contest results - These reports can easily be printed to see the point and time totals for any MobyMax Contest that you've run throughout the school year.
  • Time reports - Student reports that concentrate on providing a detailed breakdown of the time spent by students in MobyMax and the specific subjects in which they have been spending their time.

Note: Teachers who utilize the Writing Assignments module may want to print out any completed assignments or class progress prior to this being archived.

If you encounter any difficulty in finding the appropriate report or require additional information about the archive, please don't hesitate to reach out to our MobyMax support team for assistance.