The Writing Assignments module in MobyMax gives teachers an efficient way to review, provide feedback, and assign grades on student writing. Students submit their writing directly through MobyMax, and teachers can respond with drag-and-drop markups for quick, targeted feedback on common writing errors such as fragments, run-ons, or comma splices.

Teachers can use the default markup library or create custom markups, making the grading process faster and more personalized.

How Progress Is Tracked

Student progress in Writing Assignments is based entirely on the score assigned by the teacher for each submission. Rubrics can be used for detailed scoring, or teachers may opt for a single score and comment.

Steps to Review and Grade a Writing Assignment

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher accountClick the "Curriculum" tab at the top of the page.

  2. Select the "Writing Assignments" button.

  3. Choose a student from your roster.

  4. Click on the title of the assignment you want to review.

  5. Use the markup tools on the right side to drag comments or error labels directly onto the student's text.

  6. Click the "Previous" tab if you'd like to review earlier drafts or feedback.

  7. When ready, choose one of the following:

    • Send Back for Revising – if the student should make changes before grading.

    • Assign Grade – if the writing is ready for evaluation.

  8. Grading options:

    • If using a rubric: Fill in the Assignment Score and use the dropdowns to score each category. Optional comments can be added.

    • If not using a rubric: Enter a score in the Assignment Score box and add comments if desired.

  9. Click "Assign Grade" to submit your evaluation.

Note: Students can view both assigned and graded writing by clicking the “Writing Assignments” button in their student account.

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Overview of Writing Assignments in MobyMax

The Writing Assignments module in MobyMax gives teachers an efficient way to review, provide feedback, and assign grades on student writing. Students submit their writing directly through MobyMax, and teachers can respond with drag-and-drop markups for quick, targeted feedback on common writing errors such as fragments, run-ons, or comma splices.

Teachers can use the default markup library or create custom markups, making the grading process faster and more personalized.

How Progress Is Tracked

Student progress in Writing Assignments is based entirely on the score assigned by the teacher for each submission. Rubrics can be used for detailed scoring, or teachers may opt for a single score and comment.

Steps to Review and Grade a Writing Assignment (Classic Moby)

  1. Sign in to your MobyMax teacher account.

  2. Select the “ELA” tab from the left sidebar under the "Subjects" header.

  3. Click the "Writing Assignments" button.

  4. Choose a student from your list.

  5. Click on the assignment name to open it.

  6. Use the markup tools to drag comments or corrections directly onto the student’s writing.

  7. Select the "Previous" tab to view earlier drafts or markups.

  8. Choose Send Back for Revising or Assign Grade.

  9. To assign a grade:

    • If using a rubric: Fill out the rubric and assign a score.

    • If not using a rubric: Enter a score and any optional comments.

  10. Click "Assign Grade" to save.

Relevant Videos

How to Review and Grade Writing Assignments (Classic Moby)