If your students are not receiving their assignments, there are a couple of areas you will want to check.

Is the subject icon available in the student dashboard?

Unhidden modules will always be displayed on the Student Dashboard. If the module icon is missing, it is likely the module has been hidden. You will want to check for hidden modules in both your default teacher and individual student hidden module settings.

Is the module hidden by the principal teacher?

If the module says, "This is hidden by the principal teacher," and you are unable to edit the checkbox(es), your student has a principal teacher registered who has the module hidden in their default settings. Change the principal teacher to yourself to adjust the settings to match your default settings.

If you find the principal teacher listed in yourself, you have a module hidden from your class.

Is the start date set to a future date?

When assigning skills, if a future date is chosen for the assignment start date, the assignment will not be available for students to work until that date. Similarly, if the option "Don't show right now. I will decide later..." is selected upon assigning, teachers will need to adjust the start date for an assignment they have created to make that assignment accessible to their students.  

Is the student logging into the same account you assigned the skill to?

Oftentimes teachers may accidentally create duplicate accounts for students who already have a MobyMax account on a different teacher's Roster, and students may be logging into the account that has not been assigned the skill. Verify that the username and password the student is using to sign into MobyMax is the same username and password registered on your Teacher Roster. 

If you are still having difficulty after following these steps, feel free to contact MobyMax Support.