Moby School Sponsorships (“MSS”) is a Delaware limited liability company. These Terms govern your access to and use of MSS products and services for sponsoring schools (“Sponsorship” or “Sponsor”). Such Sponsorship includes self-service advertising interfaces for creation, submission and/or delivery of any advertising or other commercial or sponsored activity or content.

Sponsorship Ads (“Ads” or “Sponsorship Ads”) are ads that appear in the daily reports to parents that show their parent’s child daily work in MobyMax (“Daily Student Report”). When you Sponsor a school, you will create your Sponsorship Ads, specify the amount of ad inventory you wish to purchase, and the schools you wish to sponsor. If we accept your Sponsorship, we will deliver your Sponsorship Ads as ad spots becomes available in the Daily Student Report.

Your Sponsorship Ads must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, as well as our Terms and Conditions. Failure to comply may result in a variety of consequences, including the cancellation of your Sponsorship and termination of your account.

You may make public statements that you are supporting teachers through MobyMax in a specific school. YOU MAY NOT SAY THAT YOU ARE SUPPORTING A SPECIFIC SCHOOL OR SCHOOL DISTRICT OR A SPECIFIC SCHOOL OR SCHOOL DISTRICT IS SUPPORTING YOU.

Terms and conditions concerning your ad purchase

You will pay for your Sponsorship in accordance with the following:

  • You will pay all amounts specified in your Sponsorship, along with any applicable taxes.
  • No Sponsorship Ads will be delivered without being purchased. If Ads are purchased with an invoice to be paid by check or ACH, these Ads will not be delivered until payment is received on the invoice.
  • You are responsible for maintaining the security of your advertising account, and you understand that you will be charged for any Orders placed on or through your advertising account.
  • You can stop Auto-Renew at any time.
  • The “Advertiser Balance” for remaining ads purchase but not yet displayed is non-refundable.
  • MSS is not a bank and does not offer banking services; accordingly, Advertiser Balances do not earn interest, are not deposit obligations, and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or any other entity or insurance scheme, whether governmental or private.

Terms and conditions concerning your ads

  • We may reject or remove any Sponsorship Ad for any reason.
  • MSS determines the size, placement, and positioning of your ads.
  • The delivery of Ads is subject to availability and may not be continuous.
  • We do not guarantee the reach or performance that your ads will receive, such as the number of people who will see your ads or the number of clicks your ads will get.
  • You consent that MSS may disclose your advertising content, and all information associated with your advertising, to a governmental entity or body if MSS believes that disclosure would assist in a lawful investigation.
  • MSS will provide you with reports about when your Ads were viewed by parents in specific schools and states.

Ad agencies

If you are placing ads on someone else's behalf, you must have permission to place those ads, and agree as follows:

  • You represent and warrant that you have the authority to and will bind the advertiser to these Terms of Service to which you also agree.
  • If the advertiser you represent violates these Terms of Service, we may hold you responsible for that violation.
  • You agree that we may provide campaign reporting information to the end advertiser for whom you placed.

List of prohibited categories of ads

This list is not comprehensive. We only accept ads that, in our opinion, schools and parents will not find objectionable. We will remove ads that we believe are harmful to the community. Ads that we will not approve include:

  • Ad content that does not agree with the landing page content
  • Ads about social issues, vaccines, elections, religion, or politics
  • Adult content, sensational content, or significant skin exposure
  • Adult products or services including pornography and escort services
  • Alcohol, marijuana and CBD, tobacco, and related products
  • Animal sales and sale of body parts
  • Astrology & esoteric
  • Birth control, sexual and reproductive health, or reference to sex
  • Circumventing systems and misleading claims
  • Dating and downloadable apps
  • Drugs and supplements, prescription or otherwise, and paraphernalia
  • Franchising, investment, direct sales, or multi-level marketing financial opportunities
  • Gambling or betting, including lottery tickets, social casino games
  • Illegal products or services, cheating and deceitful practices, or discriminatory practices
  • Misinformation or inflammatory content
  • Nonexistent functionality, spyware, or malware
  • Non-functional landing page, grammar, and profanity
  • Payday, predatory, or high-interest loans, payslip advances and bail bonds & penny auctions
  • Personal attributes and third-party infringements
  • Speculative financial products, get rich schemes, or unacceptable business practices
  • Weapons, ammo, explosives, or unsafe substances
  • Weight loss, cosmetic procedures, and body modification