Moby's Adaptive Placement Tests efficiently determine a student’s current grade level and diagnose learning gaps. They give teachers precise data on missing skills from earlier grade levels that are holding back a student’s progress in their current lessons. This score may seem low if a student worked too quickly through the test or lost skills after a long break. Alternatively, if a student does very well on the placement test or receives help on it, the score may seem high.

If a student’s score seems too low or too high, you can delete the placement test or simply assign a new placement test. If you assign a new placement test, the student’s data will be updated with their most recent score. However, if you believe the first score is inaccurate, you still may want to delete the earlier placement test.

You can also restart a student in a subject. However, this will clear out all progress and data for the student in that subject, so this should only be done if you want to delete all current data in the subject and have the student start fresh.